Dellyman API

We are a travels and transport logistics technology provider, aggregating logistics companies and their assets into a single platform where customers and logistics companies can transact business. Our main purpose is to solve the problems of under-capacity and non-availability of logistics assets, security, timeliness and efficiency of last mile deliveries.

We've designed the Dellyman API such that consumption for the team will as easy as possible.


For your account to be set, you require an API key. Please make sure to keep this key secured and never embed in client-side code. Without API key the APIs will not execute.

Test URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Description
APIID Integer Mandatory
APISecret String Mandatory

Example Request


        "APIID": 192737323723,

        "APISecret": "LILU"



Example Response


        "ResponseCode": 100
        “ResponseMessage”: “Authentication Success”


NOTE: "authentication_token" generated from the response will be the Bearer Token which needs to be passed in the header in all APIs


After successful signup of customer, for login and validating the customer this API is used.

Test URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Description
Email String Mandatory
Password String Mandatory

Example Request

                "Email": "[email protected]",
                "Password": "123456"

Example Response


                    "ResponseCode": 100,

                    "ResponseMessage": "You are logged in sucessfully",

                    "CustomerID": 832,

                    "Email": "[email protected]",

                    "Name": "David",

                    "PhoneNumber": "7896541230",

                    "IsActive": 1,

                    "Currency": "N",

                    "CustomerAuth": "{{customer_auth}}"

NOTE: "CustomerAuth" token generated from the Validation API. This is the customer authentication token, which needs to be passed in all APIs for checking the entered customer logged in or not.


This is an API for updating the customer details.

Test URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Description
CustomerID Integer Mandatory
CustomerAuth String Mandatory(Unique Authentication Code For Each Customer)
Name String Mandatory
Address String Mandatory
PhoneNumber String Mandatory

Example Request


                                    "CustomerID": 855,

                                    "CustomerAuth": {{customer_auth}},

                                    "Name": "David George",

                                    "Address": "5, West Avenue, Nigeria",

                                    "PhoneNumber": "9840358848"


Example Response


    "ResponseCode": 100,

    "ResponseMessage": "Your Details Updated sucessfully",

    "CustomerID": 855,

    "Email": "[email protected]",
    "Name": "David George",
    "PhoneNumber": "9840358848",
    "IsActive": 1,
    "Currency": "N",
    "CustomerAuth": "{{customer_auth}}"


This is the API for changing the customer password.

Test URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Description
CustomerID Integer Mandatory
CustomerAuth String Mandatory(Unique Authentication Code For Each Customer)
CurrentPassword string Mandatory
NewPassword string Mandatory

Example Request


        "CustomerID": 855,

        "CustomerAuth": {{customer_auth}},

        "CurrentPassword": "123456",

        "NewPassword": "1234567"


Example Response

        "ResponseCode": 100,
        "ResponseMessage": "Password changed successfully"



This is the API, if a customer forgets the password link will be generated to registered email id.

Test URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Description
Email String Mandatory

Example Request


         "Email": "[email protected]"

Example Response

        "ResponseCode": 100,
        "ResponseMessage": "Password reset link sent to your email  address."



It is the API for customer to track the order details, with reference to OrderID.

Test URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Description
CustomerID Integer Mandatory
CustomerAuth String Mandatory
OrderID Integer Mandatory

Example Request


       "CustomerID": 855,
       "CustomerAuth": {{customer_auth}},
       "OrderID": 1031

Example Response


    "OrderID": 1031,

    "OrderStatus": "INTRANSIT",

    "RiderLatitude": null,

    "RiderLongitude": null,

    "PickupLatitude": "6.601838",

    "PickUpLongitude": "3.3514863",

    "Packages": [
            "DeliveryLatitude": "6.6053719",
            "DeliveryLongitude": "3.3499115"



It is the API for fetching the pending orders, here pending orders mean orders which are not picked up by any delivery guy.

Test URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Description
CustomerID Integer Mandatory
CustomerAuth String Mandatory

Example Request


       "CustomerID": 855,
       "CustomerAuth": {{customer_auth}},

Example Response

        "PendingOrders": [],
        "ResponseCode": 100,
        "ResponseMessage": "Pending List"




It is the API for fetching the intransit orders, here intransit orders mean orders which are picked up by delivery guy on course for delivery.

Test URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Description
CustomerID integer Mandatory
CustomerAuth string Mandatory

Example Request


       "CustomerID": 855,
       "CustomerAuth": {{customer_auth}},

Example Response




                        "OrderID": 1031,
                        "OrderCode": "ORD801",
                        "OrderDate": "2020-04-04",
                        "DeliveryContactName": "David",
                        "DeliveryContactNumber": "92283746277",
                        "DeliveryGooglePlaceID": "ChIJM5YYsYLFADsRMzn2ZHJbldw",
                        "DeliveryGooglePlaceAddress": "Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India",
                        "PackageDescription": "Notebook",
                        "DeliveryCode": "0",
                        "CompanyName": "Orphonix",
                        "CompanyUseName": "Dr Anderson",
                        "CompanyUserPhoneNumber": "99118284"
            "ResponseCode": 100,
            "ResponseMessage": "Intransit List"




It is the API for fetching the completed orders for a specific customer.

Test URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Description
CustomerID integer Mandatory
CustomerAuth string Mandatory

Example Request


       "CustomerID": 855,
       "CustomerAuth": {{customer_auth}},

Example Response


    "ResponseCode"      :    100,
    "ResponseMessage"   :    "Success",
    "OrderList"         : [
                "OrderID"       :    1033,
            "OrderCode"     :    "ORD982",
            "OrderDate"     :    "31st Mar, 05:07 AM",
            "OrderPrice"        :    600,
            "PayableAmount" :    "600.00",
            "IsPaid"        :    0,
            "IsCashOnDelivery"  :    1,
            "IsPostpaid"        :    0,
            "OrderStatus"       :    "COMPLETED",
            "TrackingID"        :    "7755711379",
            "CompanyName"       :   "Delly Logistics Africa Ltd",
            "CompanyUserName"   :    "Dedicated Rider",
            "CompanyUserPhoneNumber":    "08060031112",
            "IsFeedbackGiven"       :    0,
            "AssignedAt"            :    "30th Mar, 04:47 PM",
            "PickedUpAt"            :    "30th Mar, 04:48 PM",
            "DeliveredAt"           :    "30th Mar, 04:55 PM",
            "Packages"  : [
                    "PackageID"         :    447,
                    "PackageDescription"        :    "Mobile",
                    "IsDelivered"           :    1,
                    "PickUpContactName"     :    "Buvana",
                    "PickUpContactNumber"   :    "09999999999",
                    "PickUpGooglePlaceID"   : "ChIJxbIsETKSOxAR1sq7a7okwEk",
                    "PickUpGooglePlaceAddress": "100 Allen Ave, Allen, Ikeja, Nigeria",
                    "PickUpCity"            :    "Ikeja",
                    "PickUpLandmark"        :    "",
                    "PickUpLatitude"            :    "6.6053719",
                    "PickUpLongitude"       :    "3.3499115",
                    "PickUpRequestedTime"   :    "06 AM to 09 PM",
                    "DeliveryContactName"       :    "Priya",
                    "DeliveryContactNumber" :    "01111111111",
                    "DeliveryGooglePlaceID": "ChIJ5YYP_DCSOxARwbUTuyiQrQM",
                    "DeliveryGooglePlaceAddress"    :   "50 Allen Ave, Allen, Ikeja, Nigeria",
                    "DeliveryCity"          :   "Ikeja",
                    "DeliveryLandmark"      :    "",
                    "DeliveryLatitude"      :    "6.6009044",
                    "DeliveryLongitude"     :   "3.3527054",
                    "DeliveryRequestedTime" :   "06 AM to 09 PM",
                    "DeliveryCode"          :    "19976",
                    "DeliveryPicture"           :   "",
                    "DeliveryDate"          :    "30th Mar, 04:55 PM"
    ]   }




It is the API for getting price list of various available to us based on the distance given in KM

Test URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Description
CusotmerID Integer Mandatory
VehicleID Integer Mandatory
IsCoD Integer Mandatory
PickupRequestedTime String Mandatory
PickupRequestedDate String Mandatory
PickupAddress String Mandatory
DeliveryAddress String Mandatory

Example Request


    "CustomerID": 855,

    "VehicleID": 1,

    "IsCoD": 1,

    "PickupRequestedTime": "06 AM to 09 PM",

    "PickupRequestedDate": "07/06/2020",

    "PickupAddress": "100 Allen Ave, Allen, Ikeja, Nigeria",


            "50 Allen Ave, Allen, Ikeja, Nigeria"




Example Response


    "Companies": [

            "CompanyID": 643,
            "Name": "Delly Logistics Africa Ltd",
            "Distance": 1.9,
            "PackagePrice": 600,
            "CompanyUserCommissionPrice": 0,
            "CommissionPrice" : 0,
            "AffiliateCommissionPrice":    0,
            "TotalPrice" : 600,
            "PayablePrice" : 600,
            "DeductablePrice": 0,
            "OriginalPrice" : 600,
            "SavedPrice" : 0,
            "DiscountPercentage": 0,
            "WalletBalance" : 0,
            "AvgRating" : 0,
            "NumberOfOrders" : 284,
            "NumberOfRating" : 0
    "ResponseCode" : 100,
    "ResponseMessage" : "Success"



This is the API for generating the Invoice for a specific package whenever the customer needs it.

Test URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Description
CustomerID integer Mandatory
CustomerAuth string Mandatory
OrderID integer Mandatory

Example Request


        "CustomerID": 855,
        "CustomerAuth": {{customer_auth}},
        "OrderID": 1031


Example Response


    "InvoiceID": "871",

    "OrderID" : "1031",

    "TransactionID": "",

    "InvoiceNumber": "847",

    "OrderCode" : "",

    "PackagePrice": "600.00",

    "CompanyUserCommissionPrice": "0.00",

    "AffiliateCommissionPrice": "0.00",

    "CommissionPrice": "0.00",

    "TotalPrice": "600.00",


    "CreatedOn":"2020-03-30 16:30:09"



It is the API for picking up the order getting all the required details, when the customer fills out essential details for the product pickup.

Test URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Description
CustomerID Integer Mandatory
CompanyID Integer Mandatory
CustomerAuth String Mandatory
VehicleID String Mandatory
IsCoD String Mandatory
PickUpContactName String Mandatory(Give The Pickup Contact Name)
PickUpContactNumber String Mandatory(Give The Appropriate Pickup Contact Number)
PickUpGooglePlaceAddress String Mandatory(Select The Proper Address Detail For the Pickup)
PickUpLandmark String Mandatory
PickUpRequestedDate String Mandatory(Give the Preferred Date Slot For Pickup )
PickUpRequestedTime String Mandatory(Give the Preferred Time Slot For Pickup )
DeliveryRequestedTime String Mandatory(Give the Preferred Time Slot For Delivery )
OrderRef String Mandatory(A random string unique to each order to prevent double booking )
Packages String Mandatory

Example Request

    "CustomerID": 855,

    "CompanyID": 643,

    "CustomerAuth": "{{customer_auth}}",

    "VehicleID": 1,

    "IsCoD": 1,

    "PickUpContactName" : "Buvana",

    "PickUpContactNumber": "09999999999",

    "PickUpGooglePlaceAddress": "1 Allen Ave, Allen, Ikeja, Nigeria",

    "PickUpLandmark": " ",

    "PickUpRequestedDate": "12/04/2020",

    "PickUpRequestedTime": "06 AM to 09 PM",

    "DeliveryRequestedTime" : "06 AM to 09 PM",
    "OrderRef" : "g6hun567ud",

    "Packages": [


            "PackageDescription": "Laptop",

            "DeliveryContactName": "JeyaKumari",

            "DeliveryContactNumber": "01111111111",

            "DeliveryGooglePlaceAddress": "50 Allen Ave, Allen, Ikeja, Nigeria",

            "DeliveryLandmark": ""



Example Response







NOTE: Available Times for Pickup and Delivery are (06 AM To 08 AM, 08 AM To 10 AM, 10 AM To 12 PM, 12 PM To 02 PM, 02PM To 04 PM, 04 PM To 06 PM)


This is the API required to be called for customer logout of the application

Test URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Description
CustomerID integer Mandatory
CustomerAuth String Mandatory

Example Request

        "CustomerID": 855,
        "CustomerAuth": {{customer_auth}},

Example Response


        "ResponseCode": 100,
        "ResponseMessage": "Logged out successfully"



This API is called when you need to verify that the payment made is successful or not.

Test URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Description
OrderID integer Mandatory(Unique Id generated while calling CustomerPickUpRequest)
Reference String Mandatory(Give PaymentReference generated from the CustomerPickUpRequest)

Example Request


        "OrderID ": 1031,
        "Reference": "ORD081"


Example Response

        "ResponseCode": 100,
        "ResponseMessage": "Payment verified successfully"



This API is called when you need to assign an order to the rider.

Test URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Description
CustomerID Integer Mandatory
CustomerAuth String Mandatory
OrderID integer Mandatory(Unique Id generated while calling CustomerPickUpRequest)

Example Request

        "CustomerID": 855,

        "OrderID ": 1031,
        "CustomerAuth": "{{customer_auth}}"


Example Response

        "ResponseCode": 100,
        "ResponseMessage": "Order Assigned Successfully"



This API is called when you need to change the status of order into intransit.

Test URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Description
CustomerID Integer Mandatory
CustomerAuth String Mandatory
OrderID integer Mandatory(Unique Id generated while calling CustomerPickUpRequest)

Example Request

        "CustomerID": 855,

        "OrderID ": 1031,
        "CustomerAuth": "{{customer_auth}}"


Example Response

        "ResponseCode": 100,
        "ResponseMessage": "Order Staus Changed successfully"



This API is called when you need to change the status into delivered.

Test URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Description
CustomerID Integer Mandatory
CustomerAuth String Mandatory
OrderID Integer Mandatory(Unique Id generated while calling CustomerPickUpRequest)

Example Request

                    "CustomerID": 855,
                    "OrderID ": 1031,
                    "CustomerAuth": "{{customer_auth}}"

Example Response

                    "ResponseCode": 100,
                    "ResponseMessage": "Order Delivered Successfully"