Dellyman API

We are a travels and transport logistics technology provider, aggregating logistics companies and their assets into a single platform where customers and logistics companies can transact business. Our main purpose is to solve the problems of under-capacity and non-availability of logistics assets, security, timeliness and efficiency of last mile deliveries.

We've designed the Dellyman API such that consumption for the team will as easy as possible.


Demo URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Required Description
Email string Mandatory Registered email

Sample Request

                                        "Email": "", 
                                        "Password": "123456"

Sample Response

                                        "ResponseCode": 100, 
                                        "ResponseMessage": "You are logged in sucessfully", 
                                        "CustomerID": 2, 
                                        "Email": "", 
                                        "Name": "Dellybot", 
                                        "PhoneNumber": "1234567890", 
                                        "IsActive": 1, 
                                        "Currency": "N", 
                                        "CustomerAuth": "0MV8zed5THoVXPo1Y1M3Ucg0agLUFLf5"


This api is used to get available companies details for booking your order.

Demo URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Required Description
CustomerID Integer Mandatory Customer id
PaymentMode String Mandatory It must be pickup or delivery
VehicleID Integer Mandatory select vehicle id you need
PickupRequestedTime String Mandatory Give the Preferred Time Slot For pickup
PickupRequestedDate String Mandatory Give the Preferred Date Slot For Pickup
PickupAddress String Mandatory Select The Proper Address Detail For the Pickup
DeliveryAddress String Mandatory Select The Proper Address Detail For the delivery
ProductAmount String Mandatory Enter product amount
PackageWeight String Mandatory package weight
IsProductOrder Integer Mandatory
IsProductInsurance Integer Mandatory Product has insurance
InsuranceAmount Integer Mandatory Insurance Amount
IsInstantDelivery Integer Mandatory If you need an instant delivery

Sample Request

                                        "CustomerID": 2, 
                                        "CustomerAuth": "0MV8zed5THoVXPo1Y1M3Ucg0agLUFLf5", 
                                        "PaymentMode": "pickup", 
                                        "VehicleID": 1, 
                                        "PickupRequestedTime": "06 AM to 09 PM", 
                                        "PickupRequestedDate": "07/04/2021", 
                                        "PickupAddress": "1 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Nigeria", 
                                        "DeliveryAddress": [ 
                                        "100 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Nigeria"
                                        "ProductAmount": [], 
                                        "PackageWeight": [], 
                                        "IsProductOrder": 0, 
                                        "IsProductInsurance": 0, 
                                        "InsuranceAmount": 0, 
                                        "IsInstantDelivery": 0

Sample Response

                                        "ResponseCode": 100, 
                                        "ResponseMessage": "Success", 
                                        "Companies": [ 
                                        "CompanyID": 762, 
                                        "Name": "Dellyman", 
                                        "TotalPrice": 2000, 
                                        "OriginalPrice": 2000, 
                                        "SavedPrice": 0, 
                                        "PayablePrice": 2000, 
                                        "DeductablePrice": 0, 
                                        "AvgRating": 0, 
                                        "NumberOfOrders": 0, 
                                        "NumberOfRating": 0
                                        "RejectedCompanies": {}, 
                                        "Products": {}, 
                                        "Distance": 2


This is an API for get vehicle list.

Demo URL:

Live URL:

Sample Response

                                    "VehicleID": "1", 
                                    "Name": "Bike"
                                    "VehicleID": "2", 
                                    "Name": "Tricycle"
                                    "VehicleID": "3", 
                                    "Name": "Mini Van"
                                    "VehicleID": "4", 
                                    "Name": "Vans/Buses"
                                    "VehicleID": "5", 
                                    "Name": "Cars"



This is an API for customer logout.

Demo URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Required Description
CustomerID Mandatory Integer
CustomerAuth Mandatory String

Sample Request

                                        "CustomerID": 2, 

Sample Response

                                        "ResponseCode": 100, 
                                        "ResponseMessage": "Customer logged out sucessfully."

This is an API to book your order towards the company you selected.


This is an API to book your order towards the company you selected.

Demo URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Required Description
CustomerID Integer Mandatory Customer id
CustomerAuth String Mandatory Customer auth token you got while login
CompanyID Integer Mandatory Company id
PaymentMode String Mandatory It must be pickup or delivery
Vehicle Integer Mandatory Vehicle id you selected
PickUpContactName String Mandatory Give The Pickup Contact Name
PickUpContactNumber String Mandatory Give The Appropriate Pickup Contact Number
PickUpGooglePlaceAddress String Mandatory Select the proper Address Detail For the Pickup
PickUpLandmark String Optional If you want to give landmark
IsInstantDelivery integer Optional If yes 1 for instant delivery
PickUpRequestedDate String Optional If you need any preferd date
PickUpRequestedTime String Optional If you need preferred time
DeliveryRequestedTime String Optional Your preferred delivery time
Packages Array Mandatory Give package information inside this
PackageDescription Array Mandatory Package description in detail
DeliveryContactName Array Mandatory Give The Appropriate delivery Contact Name
DeliveryContactNumber String Mandatory Give The Appropriate delivery Contact Number
DeliveryGooglePlaceAddress String Mandatory Select The Proper Address Detail For the delivery
DeliveryLandmark String Optional Landmark near your location

Sample Request

                                        "CustomerID": 2, 
                                        "CustomerAuth": "dfSVhQ8jQh0trncHkdELvwHgskI1Rj0w", 
                                        "CompanyID": 762, 
                                        "PaymentMode": "pickup", 
                                        "Vehicle": "Bike", 
                                        "PickUpContactName": "Administrator", 
                                        "PickUpContactNumber": "07068937300", 
                                        "PickUpGooglePlaceAddress": "3 Allen Avenue Lagos Lagos", 
                                        "PickUpLandmark": " ", 
                                        "IsInstantDelivery": 1, 
                                        "PickUpRequestedDate": "", 
                                        "PickUpRequestedTime": "", 
                                        "DeliveryRequestedTime": "", 
                                        "Packages": [ 
                                        "PackageDescription": "Allen/OUT/00024", 
                                        "DeliveryContactName": "Babatope Ajepe", 
                                        "DeliveryContactNumber": "07055667789", 
                                        "DeliveryGooglePlaceAddress": "73 Allen Avenue Ikeja Lagos", 
                                        "DeliveryLandmark": ""

Sample Response

                                        "ResponseCode": 100, 
                                        "ResponseMessage": "Success", 
                                        "OrderID": 50378, 
                                        "Reference": "ORD44914"


This is an API to get the status of your order based on the order ID.

Demo URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Required Description
CustomerID Integer Mandatory Customer id
CustomerAuth String Mandatory Customer auth token you got while login
OrderID Integer Mandatory Order ID you need to check status

Sample Request

                                        "CustomerID": 2, 
                                        "OrderID": 50378

Sample Response

                                        "OrderID": 50378, 
                                        "OrderCode": "ORD44914", 
                                        "OrderStatus": "PENDING", 
                                        "OrderPrice": 2000, 
                                        "FixedDeliveryCharge": null, 
                                        "PayAt": "1", 
                                        "IsProductOrder": 0, 
                                        "BankCode": null, 
                                        "BankName": null, 
                                        "AccountNumber": null, 
                                        "OrderedAt": "2021-09-28 09:10:53", 
                                        "AssignedAt": null, 
                                        "PickedUpAt": null, 
                                        "DeliveredAt": null, 
                                        "CancelledAt": null, 
                                        "RejectedAt": null, 
                                        "Packages": [ 
                                                "PackageID": 51770, 
                                                "IsDelivered": 0, 
                                                "PackageDescription": "Allen/out/00024", 
                                                "PackageDistance": 2, 
                                                "PackageWeight": 0, 
                                                "ProductAmount": null, 
                                                "PickUpContactName": "Administrator", 
                                                "PickUpContactNumber": "07068937300", 
                                                "PickUpGooglePlaceAddress": "3 Allen Avenue Lagos Lagos", 
                                                "PickUpLandmark": " ", 
                                                "PickUpLatitude": 6.5996672, 
                                                "PickUpLongitude": 3.3535716, 
                                                "PickUpExpectedAt": "2021-09-28 09:10:00", 
                                                "DeliveryContactName": "Babatope Ajepe", 
                                                "DeliveryContactNumber": "07055667789", 
                                                "DeliveryGooglePlaceAddress": "73 Allen Avenue Ikeja Lagos", 
                                                "DeliveryLandmark": "", 
                                                "DeliveryLatitude": 6.6029869, 
                                                "DeliveryLongitude": 3.3509942, 
                                                "DeliveryExpectedAt": "2021-09-28 10:10:00", 
                                                "DeliveryCode": 71819



It is the API for fetching the pending orders, here pending orders mean orders which are not picked up by any delivery guy.

Demo URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Required Description
CustomerID Integer Mandatory CustomerID
CustomerAuth String Mandatory Customer auth token you got while login

Example Request

                                        "CustomerID": 855,   
                                        "CustomerAuth": {{customer_auth}},

Example Response

                                        "PendingOrders": [],
                                        "ResponseCode": 100,
                                        "ResponseMessage": "Pending List"


This is an API for track your order.

Demo URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Required Description
CustomerID Integer Mandatory Customer id
CustomerAuth String Mandatory Customer auth token you got while login
OrderID Integer Mandatory Order ID you need to check status

Sample Request

                                        "CustomerID": 2, 
                                        "OrderID": 50378

Sample Response

                                        "OrderID": 50378, 
                                        "OrderCode": "ORD44914", 
                                        "OrderStatus": "CANCEL-REQUEST", 
                                        "OrderedAt": "2021-09-28 09:10:53", 
                                        "AssignedAt": null, 
                                        "PickedUpAt": null, 
                                        "DeliveredAt": null, 
                                        "CancelledAt": null, 
                                        "RejectedAt": null, 
                                        "RiderName": "", 
                                        "RiderLatitude": null, 
                                        "RiderLongitude": null, 
                                        "Packages": [ 
                                                "PackageDescription": "Allen/out/00024", 
                                                "IsDelivered": 0, 
                                                "PickupLatitude": 6.5996672, 
                                                "PickUpLongitude": 3.3535716, 
                                                "DeliveryLatitude": 6.6029869, 
                                                "DeliveryLongitude": 3.3509942, 
                                                "Distance": 2


It is the API for fetching the completed orders for a specific customer.

Demo URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Required Description
CustomerID integer Mandatory CustomerID
CustomerAuth string Mandatory Customer auth token you got while login

Example Request

                                        "CustomerID": 855,   
                                        "CustomerAuth": {{customer_auth}},

Example Response


                                        "ResponseCode"      :    100,
                                        "ResponseMessage"   :    "Success",
                                        "OrderList"         :   [
                                                "OrderID"       :    1033,
                                                "OrderCode"     :    "ORD982",
                                                "OrderDate"     :    "31st Mar, 05:07 AM",
                                                "OrderPrice"        :    600,
                                                "PayableAmount" :    "600.00",
                                                "IsPaid"        :    0,
                                                "IsCashOnDelivery"  :    1,
                                                "IsPostpaid"        :    0,
                                                "OrderStatus"       :    "COMPLETED",
                                                "TrackingID"        :    "7755711379",
                                                "CompanyName"       :   "Delly Logistics Africa Ltd",
                                                "CompanyUserName"   :    "Dedicated Rider",
                                                "CompanyUserPhoneNumber"    :    "08060031112",
                                                "IsFeedbackGiven"           :    0,
                                                "AssignedAt"            :    "30th Mar, 04:47 PM",
                                                "PickedUpAt"            :    "30th Mar, 04:48 PM",
                                                "DeliveredAt"           :    "30th Mar, 04:55 PM",
                                                "Packages"  :   [
                                                        "PackageID"         :    447,
                                                        "PackageDescription"        :    "Mobile",
                                                        "IsDelivered"           :    1,
                                                        "PickUpContactName"     :    "Buvana",
                                                        "PickUpContactNumber"   :    "09999999999",
                                                        "PickUpGooglePlaceID"   : "ChIJxbIsETKSOxAR1sq7a7okwEk",
                                                        "PickUpGooglePlaceAddress"  : "100 Allen Ave, Allen, Ikeja, Nigeria",
                                                        "PickUpCity"            :    "Ikeja",
                                                        "PickUpLandmark"        :    "",
                                                        "PickUpLatitude"            :    "6.6053719",
                                                        "PickUpLongitude"       :    "3.3499115",
                                                        "PickUpRequestedTime"   :    "06 AM to 09 PM",
                                                        "DeliveryContactName"       :    "Priya",
                                                        "DeliveryContactNumber" :    "01111111111",
                                                        "DeliveryGooglePlaceID" : "ChIJ5YYP_DCSOxARwbUTuyiQrQM",
                                                        "DeliveryGooglePlaceAddress"    :   "50 Allen Ave, Allen, Ikeja, Nigeria",
                                                        "DeliveryCity"          :   "Ikeja",
                                                        "DeliveryLandmark"      :    "",
                                                        "DeliveryLatitude"      :    "6.6009044",
                                                        "DeliveryLongitude"     :   "3.3527054",
                                                        "DeliveryRequestedTime" :   "06 AM to 09 PM",
                                                        "DeliveryCode"          :    "19976",
                                                        "DeliveryPicture"           :   "",
                                                        "DeliveryDate"          :    "30th Mar, 04:55 PM"



This is an API for fetching list of order placed by a customer.

Demo URL:

Live URL:
Attribute Type Required Description
CustomerID Integer Mandatory Customer id
CustomerAuth String Mandatory Customer auth token you got while login
Status String Mandatory Select any you want to filter
FilterFrom Date Optional Start date
FilterTo Date Optional End date

Sample Request

                                        "CustomerID": 2, 
                                        "Status": "PENDING,ASSIGNED,INTRANSIT,COMPLETED,CANCELLED", 
                                        "FilterFrom": null, 
                                        "FilterTo": null

Sample Response

                                        "ResponseCode": 100, 
                                        "ResponseMessage": "Success", 
                                        "Orders": { 
                                        "Pending": [ 
                                                "OrderID"   : 50378, 
                                                "OrderCode" : "ORD44914", 
                                                "OrderStatus"   : "PENDING", 
                                                "CreatedThrough"    : "api", 
                                                "OrderPrice"    : 2000, 
                                                "FixedDeliveryCharge"   : null, 
                                                "PayAt" : 1, 
                                                "IsPaid"    : null, 
                                                "IsProductOrder"    : 0, 
                                                "BankCode"  : null, 
                                                "BankName"  : null, 
                                                "AccountNumber" : null, 
                                                "OrderedAt" : "2021-09-28 09:10:53", 
                                                "AssignedAt"    : null, 
                                                "PickedUpAt"    : null, 
                                                "DeliveredAt"   : null, 
                                                "CancelledAt"   : null, 
                                                "RejectedAt"    : null, 
                                                "Packages": [ 
                                                        "PackageID" : 51770, 
                                                        "PackageDistance"   : 2, 
                                                        "PackageWeight" : 0, 
                                                        "PackageDescription"    : "Allen/out/00024", 
                                                        "IsDelivered"   : 0, 
                                                        "ProductAmount" : null, 
                                                        "PickUpContactName" : "Administrator", 
                                                        "PickUpContactNumber"   : "07068937300", 
                                                        "PickUpGooglePlaceAddress"  : "3 Allen Avenue Lagos Lagos", 
                                                        "PickUpLandmark"    : " ", 
                                                        "PickUpLatitude"    : "6.5996672", 
                                                        "PickUpLongitude"   : "3.3535716", 
                                                        "PickUpDate"    : null, 
                                                        "DeliveryContactName"   : "Babatope Ajepe", 
                                                        "DeliveryContactNumber" : "07055667789", 
                                                        "DeliveryGooglePlaceAddress"    : "73 Allen Avenue Ikeja Lagos", 
                                                        "DeliveryLandmark"  : "", 
                                                        "DeliveryLatitude"  : "6.6029869", 
                                                        "DeliveryLongitude" : "3.3509942", 
                                                        "DeliveryDate"  : null, 
                                                        "DeliveryCode"  : "71819" 
                                        "Assigned": [], 
                                        "Intransit": [ 
                                                "OrderID": 21008, 
                                                "OrderCode": "ORD18611", 
                                                "OrderStatus": "INTRANSIT", 
                                                "CreatedThrough": "web", 
                                                "OrderPrice": 500, 
                                                "FixedDeliveryCharge": null, 
                                                "PayAt": 1, 
                                                "IsPaid": "1", 
                                                "IsProductOrder": 1, 
                                                "BankCode": "057", 
                                                "BankName": "ZENITH BANK", 
                                                "AccountNumber": "1016622972", 
                                                "OrderedAt": "2020-10-30 07:42:31", 
                                                "AssignedAt": "2020-10-30 08:15:58", 
                                                "PickedUpAt": "2020-10-30 08:17:18", 
                                                "DeliveredAt": null, 
                                                "CancelledAt": null, 
                                                "RejectedAt": null, 
                                                "Packages": [ 
                                                        "PackageID": 20819, 
                                                        "PackageDistance": 2.5, 
                                                        "PackageWeight": 0, 
                                                        "PackageDescription": "Sample", 
                                                        "IsDelivered": 0, 
                                                        "ProductAmount": 2000, 
                                                        "PickUpContactName": "A", 
                                                        "PickUpContactNumber": "09999999999", 
                                                        "PickUpGooglePlaceAddress": "1 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Nigeria", 
                                                        "PickUpLandmark": "", 
                                                        "PickUpLatitude": "6.601838", 
                                                        "PickUpLongitude": "3.3514863", 
                                                        "PickUpDate": null, 
                                                        "DeliveryContactName": "B", 
                                                        "DeliveryContactNumber": "08888888888", 
                                                        "DeliveryGooglePlaceAddress": "100 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Nigeria", 
                                                        "DeliveryLandmark": "", 
                                                        "DeliveryLatitude": "6.6053397", 
                                                        "DeliveryLongitude": "3.3498556", 
                                                        "DeliveryDate": null, 
                                                        "DeliveryCode": "97136" 
                                        "Completed": [ 
                                                "OrderID": 20992, 
                                                "OrderCode": "ORD18595", 
                                                "OrderStatus": "COMPLETED", 
                                                "CreatedThrough": "web", 
                                                "OrderPrice": 500, 
                                                "FixedDeliveryCharge": null, 
                                                "PayAt": 1, 
                                                "IsPaid": "1", 
                                                "IsProductOrder": 0, 
                                                "BankCode": null, 
                                                "BankName": null, 
                                                "AccountNumber": null, 
                                                "OrderedAt": "2020-10-29 18:19:54", 
                                                "AssignedAt": "2020-10-29 18:30:33", 
                                                "PickedUpAt": "2020-10-29 18:38:28", 
                                                "DeliveredAt": "2020-10-29 18:40:10", 
                                                "CancelledAt": null, 
                                                "RejectedAt": null, 
                                                "Packages": [ 
                                                        "PackageID": 20803, 
                                                        "PackageDistance": 2.5, 
                                                        "PackageWeight": 0, 
                                                        "PackageDescription": "Sample", 
                                                        "IsDelivered": 1, 
                                                        "ProductAmount": null, 
                                                        "PickUpContactName": "A", 
                                                        "PickUpContactNumber": "09999999999", 
                                                        "PickUpGooglePlaceAddress": "1 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Nigeria", 
                                                        "PickUpLandmark": "", 
                                                        "PickUpLatitude": "6.601838", 
                                                        "PickUpLongitude": "3.3514863", 
                                                        "PickUpDate": null, 
                                                        "DeliveryContactName": "B", 
                                                        "DeliveryContactNumber": "08888888888", 
                                                        "DeliveryGooglePlaceAddress": "100 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Nigeria", 
                                                        "DeliveryLandmark": "", 
                                                        "DeliveryLatitude": "6.6053397", 
                                                        "DeliveryLongitude": "3.3498556", 
                                                        "DeliveryDate": "2020-10-29 18:40:10", 
                                                        "DeliveryCode": "72464" 


This endpoint is called to get the list of states.

Demo URL:

Live URL:

Example Response

                                            "StateID": "1",
                                            "Name": "Abia"
                                            "StateID": "2",
                                            "Name": "Abuja"
                                            "StateID": "3",
                                            "Name": "Adamawa"
                                            "StateID": "4",
                                            "Name": "AkwaIbom"
                                            "StateID": "5",
                                            "Name": "Anambra"
                                            "StateID": "6",
                                            "Name": "Bauchi"


This endpoint is called to get the list of cities.

Test URL:

Live URL:

Sample Request

                                        "StateID": "10"

Example Response

                                            "CityID": "1",
                                            "CityName": "City 1"
                                            "CityID": "2",
                                            "CityName": "City 2"

API Authentication

Authorization Keys

To generate the authorization keys, login to your Dellyman customer dashboard, under the settings tab/page, and submit a webhook url. You will find three(3) items:

  1. Webhook url
  2. Webhook/API secret
  3. API key

Copy the API Key and the webhook/API secret keys generated.


For a user to successfully gain access to the API endpoints, the API key is required in all the request.

Add the API generated from the previous step as an authorization header in all your request to the API endpoints;

Request header:

'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer < Your API Key>',

Webhook Signature

In other to confirm the webhook events/notification you receive from Dellyman, A header property 'X-Dellyman-Signature' is being sent in all webhook going out of our application.

This signature is encrypted with the hmac sha256 algorithm and it’s a combination of your webhook url, webhook/api secret. To generate same signature encrypt your webhook your and you webhook/api secret


Webhook url:
Webhook secret: cd5maxwgubpj83xjwfxbujngjn75dmus0iycasuulz

hash_hmac('sha256', 'webhook_url', 'webhook_secret');

Compare the result of your encryption with the signature found in the request header, if both token matches then its confirmed treat as a Dellyman event else, the webhook response might be a suspicious request.